
I’m Wayne Steffens, a biologist specializing in various rare insect surveys and inventories for over 20 years and general endangered species work for 30. Much of my recent work for state and federal resource agencies has involved rare dragonflies, beetles and butterflies of the Upper Midwest.  Some of my current work includes:

  • rare dragonflies of Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan including Hine’s emerald
  • rare tiger beetles of Minnesota and Wisconsin
  • lady beetle surveys and inventory
  • arboreal beetles of old-growth forests
  • taxonomy/identification of longhorned beetles
  • identification of buprestid beetles for the Minnesota Wasp Watchers, a citizen science project that utilizes volunteers for biosurveillance of emerald ash borer

I occasionally lead “Dragonfly Safaris” for hire, which are field trips to observe, capture, identify and photograph dragonflies of northern Minnesota, Wisconsin and elsewhere.  Feel free to contact me.

For a detailed list of my reports and publications visit me on Researchgate. If you are interested in consulting or insect surveys please visit www.insectsurveys.com